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And miles to go before I sleep

Hiking at Jack Pine Trail with some friends today. About 13 kilometers (8 miles), the farthest I've ever gone by foot. Numerous parts of my body are complaining, but at least they seem to be going in rotation rather than all at once. Right now it's my shins. They inform me that hiking 13 kilometers in tall boots was not a happy thing for them.

For the most part it wasn't very birdy, but there were a few pleasant surprises:

- A remarkably tame Ruffed Grouse. He came out of the bushes and right up to our feet looking for handouts, clucking softly. I'd seen these birds at a distance in the shadows at Old Quarry Trail, and thought them plain and rather dumpy. Up close I was surprised at how handsome and, well, graceful he was (at least for a game bird). I almost didn't believe he was really a Ruffed Grouse, but there was no other option.

No camera on hand, alas. If I'd had my camera, it would have for once been a question of, "will this bird stay far enough away for me to shoot him, or will I wish I'd brought the regular lens?" He was that tame.

- A singing American Tree Sparrow by a marsh. I've logged thirteen sightings of this species so far, but this is the first time I've ever found one singing, so that was a treat. They don't breed here though. They winter here. They'll sing just a little while longer and then head back to the far north.

- A set of feeders attracted huge, noisy flocks of Pine Siskins and Slate-Colored Juncos, along with the omnipresent chickadees and a few woodpeckers. A small Bohemian Waxwing flock stopped by too. For someone in love with birds as I am, it was enough to leave me standing there looking around with my mouth hanging open like a fool for a good twenty minutes.

The LookoutWhazzat?