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A Brant at Andrew Haydon Park

I saw my first-ever Brant goose at Andrew Haydon Park today. This is an arctic-breeding goose and it's highly unusual for one to be in Ottawa in summer. He's been feeding on the park lawn along with Canada Geese (his close relatives) for about a week now.

Comparison with Canada Goose:

He was playing "follow the leader" with the Canada Geese, which made him, probably, easier to approach than he normally would be. When they went into the water, he went into the water. When they came onto land, he came onto land. If they acted like something was okay, he said, "well, um, if you guys say so." And about the only thing the Canada Geese at AHP don't consider "okay" is dogs.

I spent the afternoon photographing him, not so much because Brant are intrinsically glamorous, as that the opportunity to photograph one so close-up might not come around again for years, if ever. As I was winding down, another photographer showed up looking for him, so I pointed him out to her where he was cleverly hiding himself amidst a raft of mallards. When I left about 40 minutes later, she was still crouched on the grass snapping shots.

I always enjoy finding people as fanatic as I am.

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