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Migration 2011

The birding gods are comedians. I take an hour-long hike along the river looking for my first Great Blue Heron of spring. And where I do I finally see my first Great Blue Heron of spring? Flying across Bank Street.

Specifically, flying across Bank Street at Heron.

It's been a slow spring so far. The best action I've seen was on the first. After doing house-related stuff, Mike and I decided to explore the west end, and we ended up at Constance Creek--a well-known birding mecca, but one I'd never been to before. Saw a nice variety of migrant ducks there, plus a Northern Harrier.

Tomorrow I'm off to Eardley-Marsham / Gatineau with a local birding group. We'll see what kind of excitement we can stir up. I'm hoping for the kind that involves Golden Eagles :-)

Spring Migration 2011:

Ring-Billed Gull: March 12, Billings Bridge parking lot
Canada Goose: March 15, Britannia Conservation Area
Hooded Merganser: March 15, Britannia Conservation Area (river)
Red-Winged Blackbird (male): March 15, Britannia Conservation Area (ridge)
Wood Duck: March 15, Britannia Conservation Area (in flight)
Common Grackle: March 17, Rideau Tennis Club
Song Sparrow: March 17, Hurdman feeders
Bufflehead: March 26, Britannia Point
Turkey Vulture: April 1, field near Eagleson Park&Ride
Northern Harrier: April 1, Constance Creek
Ring-Necked Duck: April 1, Constance Creek
American Wigeon: April 1, Constance Creek
Great Blue Heron: April 5, Bank & Heron (in flight)

Red-Breasted NuthatchGatineau Trip Report


April 6th, 2011 at 11:48 am
*chuckles* I am amused at the Heron heron!

Good luck today!