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Okanagan Vacation 13 - Lake Vaseux

I'd been told, by someone who had been out west, that Black-Billed Magpies were going to be "dirt birds"--i.e., common as dirt. They weren't, at least not in early June. I had an especially hard time finding one who was willing to sit still for the camera. On our trip to Lake Vaseux, though, I finally found the motherload: a farmyard with a whole flock of magpies in it!

It was interesting watching their response to pishing--a measured, intelligent response, rather than the Pavlovian-bell reaction of your typical songbird. No visible reaction at first, then magpies hopped into view on various prominent lookout posts. As I kept on pishing but no raptor or other danger appeared, they brushed it off and went back about their business.

We originally planned a trip to Lake Vaseux because our tour guide had suggested that we might find Bighorn Sheep there. We were not disappointed. We spotted a group of females and lambs up on a ledge. They were quite a distance away, but still seemed to find our attention disconcerting. They watched us pointedly, then moved away higher up the ledge and out of view.

Okanagan Vacation 12 - Behind Brin de SoleilOkanagan Vacation 14 - Chute Lake


July 1st, 2011 at 7:47 am
BIG HORN SHEEP!!! I haven't seen those for years! Thanks for posting.

The magpies are gorgeous.

July 4th, 2011 at 2:09 pm
It continues to look like an awesome vacation!