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Have you ever played Adventure? If so, remember the reference to plover eggs? Did you, like me, assume that there was really no such thing as a plover's egg, and that you'd find out later in the game what sort of fantastical creature a plover was supposed to be (but you never did)?

Well, they exist. They're shorebirds related to sandpipers. Their primary field mark is that they are cute. Okay, I lie. Their primary field marks are their comparatively short, stout bills (as opposed to sandpipers' long, thin ones), and their habit of running in short starts and stops. But the cuteness definitely takes third place. Our breeding plover is the Killdeer, which you've heard me describe before, if you've been following along. In spring and fall a small variety of others move through in migration.

I photographed this pair of Black-Bellied Plovers at Shirley's Bay this morning. It seems one of them intruded into the other's personal space one time too many.

SunshineSwamp Sparrow