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Red-Winged Blackbird

Just south of Cummings Bridge, on the Rideau, there's a low shore that flooded during a rainstorm this winter, then promptly froze over. The flood is thawing now, and the resulting swampy area is heaven on earth to certain birds. Mallards and gulls are loving it, grackles are loving it, redwings are loving it. They're all swimming and wading around sharing the space.

One redwing was wading in the flood looking for food, occasionally pausing to sing and flash his epaulets. Even for his species this guy was gutsy. Several times I had to dial back my lens because he was wandering in my direction and 300mm had become too much!

Also, the light on that riverbank is just glorious in the morning. I think I've mentioned this before.

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"MY territory, bub--and don't you forget it!"

Hurdman HawkPromises