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The action at Riverain Park

Riverain Park had its usual late-summer assortment of Ring-Billed Gulls, Canada Geese, Mallards, Black Ducks, Wood Ducks, Rock Pigeons and Cedar Waxwings today. (Waxwings flycatching over the rapids, the rest mostly staying close to shore looking for handouts.) Among them was a pigeon with unusual and rather pretty plumage.

A pair of fledgling Red-Winged Blackbirds had also joined the assemblage. They poked around in every nook and cranny searching for leftover birdseed. The young male was rather handsome with his red epaulets beginning to come in, and his saffron eyebrow stripes.

Like all redwings, he was not timid. When I got a little closer than he cared for, he didn't fly away. He didn't even hop away. He flew at me and hovered about two inches from my face. I took the hint.

Harvest SunsetA sunset and a flower