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Back from the Okanagan

We're back, and had a wonderful time on our vacation. Travel went without a hitch, B&B's were both excellent, we spent large swaths of our days exploring and nature-watching, and my triplist is, well, epic.

I have many photos to sort through. Eventually I'll be posting a full pictorial account of our adventures. But for now,

My 10 favorite things in the south Okanagan:
  1. Driving up snow-capped mountains. Driving up all the way to the snow on Mount Kobau, where the landscape is dominated by immensely tall firs and spruces, and the haunting song of the Hermit Thrush filters down from the treetops.

  2. Watching the courtship shenanigans of Ruddy Ducks.

  3. The way the Mule Deer bound across the slopes, so light-footed, you'd think someone had filled them with helium.

  4. The western corvids (crow relatives). Seeing my first magpie, my first Clark's Nutcracker, my first Steller's Jay. Above all the magpies, the gorgeous, intelligent, dragonfly-shaped magpies.

  5. Eating centimeter-thick bacon and a cheese-laden frittata big enough to fill a casserole dish at the splendiferous Elm Tree Farm B&B.

  6. The breathtaking vista of lush orchards, vineyards, mountains and lake from Brin de Soleil B&B.

  7. A nearly 2-foot-tall Northern Harrier looking as small as a sparrow--because he was perched beside a Bald Eagle! The fight that ensued between David and Goliath.

  8. The oh-my-god-cute California Quail. Stalking one through the farmyard at ETF. Catching it by surprise.

  9. Watching and listening to the courtship of Common Nighthawks whirling high above us in the mountains. I had read that courting nighthawks do aerial dives, creating a whooshing sound with their wings. I didn't realize that the sound is like a tiny sports car zooming down a tiny highway two inches away from your ear.

  10. The warm, trusting and generous locals.

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Vacation ho

On Saturday my husband and I are off to the south Okanagan. We return on the 12th. There I'll be, of course, birding my little heart out, lifelisting all sorts of western birds that I've never had the opportunity to see before. (I'm particularly looking forward to magpies.) There will also be hiking, canoeing, swimming, dining, and, for Michael at least, wine-tasting.

I was originally planning a long, detailed post about this vacation and what we expect to do and see. But time's run out, so I'll just have to tell you all about it upon our return!

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I was on trail 24 of Stony Swamp when a coyote walked right out on the path. He crossed over and disappeared into the woods.

...after pausing to give me a long, speculative, slightly unsettling look!

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1680x1050 wallpaper

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All For Show

I was near the parking lot at Jack Pine Trail when I encountered this beautiful and fierce-looking insect:

Keep in mind I don't have a macro lens. This isn't a magnification of some tiny mite. It was over an inch long. It was creeping on an old, lichen-encrusted stump and adjacent rock, and I went crazy trying to get a good, sharp and well-lit photo, firing the shutter repeatedly everytime it went into a patch of sunlight.

When it left the stump and flew towards me, I stood stock-still, because honestly, who wants to tangle with something that looks like that? I regret it now because my subject then flew off while I wasn't looking.

Come to find out (thanks to Christine Hanrahan, a local expert) it's a harmless cranefly! Genus ctenophora, likely ctenophora dorsalis, a wasp mimic. That long, pointed, upcurved tail, by which I feared getting stung, was nothing but an ovipositor. Which means it was a female, and given where she was and how she was behaving, I likely caught her in the process of laying eggs, or at least, searching for a place to lay eggs.

I never got quite the shot I wanted, so I hope to cross paths with this species again someday.

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Common Yellowthroat at Jack Pine Trail

The Common Yellowthroat is a common breeding warbler in Ottawa's marshes and met meadows. Its habit of skulking in deep brush and tall cattails makes it difficult to observe. However, yellowthroats get quite curious about intruders into their territory, and are responsive to pishing. You can sometimes get good views as they hop around trying to figure out what you are and what you're up to.

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Chestnut-Sided Warbler

The striking Chestnut-Sided Warbler is a bird of young growth--old abandoned farmland, for instance, and other scrubby habitats. This one was in the fields south of the airport.

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Spring Oriole

Baltimore Orioles and Gray Catbirds are back.

1680x1050 wallpaper

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Mud Lake's breeding Yellow Warblers are back, and singing their hearts out!

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This fellow swam by on the river while I was busily photographing the parula. It was my first opportunity to photograph a Bufflehead from anything like a reasonable distance, so I took it!

The Bufflehead is a very small diving duck, closely related to the goldeneyes. It is a primarily boreal species. Its small size is an adaptation to the size of its preferred nesting location: old Northern Flicker holes. As with Wood Ducks, the new ducklings will crawl out of the nest hole and jump, sometimes from many meters up, land on the forest floor and survive the fall (somehow!), and follow their mother to water.

The male Bufflehead's claim to fame is the beautiful rainbow irridescence of his head plumage, visible only in good light.

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