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A Delicate Beauty

On Monday husband and I are off to Cape Breton! I'm looking forward to lifelisting the adorable Atlantic Puffin (a gimme), and Bicknell's Thrush. Bicknell's Thrush will not be a gimme, but a tantalizing possibility. It is a very rare bird with a tiny range--so rare that there are guided tours dedicated to seeing just it. Cape Breton happens to be within its tiny range.

ETA: Here's what I'll be listening for.

We also hope to do some whale-watching, and probably a visit to Fortress of Louisburg.

I tried for a last-minute twitch on Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, a southern bird well out of range in someone's backyard in Carp. It too would be a lifer. (If you've been following along it should sound familiar. It's a close relative of a heron I just photographed!) The homeowner graciously allowed me onto her property to look at the pond, but it wasn't there. It was probably roosting somewhere out of the heavy rain and thus smarter than me :-) I might try again tomorrow.

I leave you with this Spring Beauty from early May.

1680x1050 wallpaper

Mud Lake, late springThe Star Of Yellow Sidecar