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Bill Mason Sand Pit (part 2)

The Calico Pennants are still there--and I'm still in love with them.

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The pond supports a population of Azure Bluets, a particularly vivid bluet damselfly that I have not seen elsewhere. One online source says "often found at newly created habitat, such as borrow pits." Sounds about right!

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A few migrant sandpipers around the margins of the pond provided a break from insect-watching. This Greater Yellowlegs was more skittish than the ones I often see at Andrew Haydon Park, so I could only photograph him from a distance.

This fellow was dumped noisily on the sand after an altercation with another dragonfly:

Despite his bright colors, based on the waxy appearance and curved abdomen, I think this must be a teneral (newly emerged dragonfly), specifically a teneral Common Green Darner. He managed to right himself in short order, and rested on the sand for awhile before flying off.

Bill Mason Sand Pit (part 1)We interrupt your regularly scheduled Ottawa nature photos...


September 10th, 2013 at 9:45 am
The colors in the bluets pic in particular are really nice!

September 10th, 2013 at 7:16 pm
Great pictures - especially of the Calico Pennant. How can you not love them?