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Carp Ridge

Every year I'm struck anew by the strange beauty of Carp Ridge. It seems almost otherworldly to me.

This rocky, lichen-encrusted landscape is one of the best places in Ottawa to find rare breeding birds, including towhees, whippoorwills, and nighthawks. It's also unfortunately one of the best places in Ottawa for finding deer ticks. I've often wondered if there is a connection between these two facts.

April's KingletsWood Duck Pair


Danusha Goska
July 2nd, 2014 at 7:47 am
Your photos are lovely. You should sign them as some photographers on the web do, so when they are reused you get credit automatically. Thank you.

Suzanne Britton
July 2nd, 2014 at 3:07 pm
Thanks for your comment. I've added a blurb regarding usage of my photos to the "About" section. I choose not to sign or watermark my photos because I release many of them as computer wallpapers, and I feel that wallpapers are ruined by watermarking (either that or the signature is so small as to be easily edited out by someone who knows what they're doing.) And besides it feels somehow inappropriate to plaster my name on a photo when really, the beauty is nature's beauty: I'm just showing it to people.

I realize (all too well) that the price of this approach is that unscrupulous people will use my work without any credit to me. But I don't see a good alternative.