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Death Of A Camera

The inevitable has happened. After years of faithful service, my camera has given up the ghost.

At least you can say it died doing what it loved. I was out at South March Conservation Forest today, getting a slew of photos of birds and flowers on an unseasonably frigid but beautiful morning. It was just after I had taken my best picture ever of a particularly gorgeous species of songbird that the shutter gave out.

So there will be those, and there will be more, since I've built up a backlog of unposted Ottawa pics while I've been blogging about Costa Rica. And then that will be all for awhile. Unless the repairs are cheaper than I expect, I'll be buying a new camera body, which probably won't happen until after Christmas.

Scenery for a changeMarsh Slinkers


May 20th, 2014 at 11:00 am
Clearly you've been taking too many pictures. You wore the poor thing out.

May 20th, 2014 at 2:31 pm
Sympathies... it did well while it lasted. The repair/replace decision might be tough.