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Living Sunshine

Grill season has arrived, and alas, that means that bird-feeding season is over, at least for me--the husband generally prefers not to get crowned with finch droppings while cooking our dinner :-) And I prefer to only feed birds in the coldest, most difficult months so as not to create dependency.

I got this photo just before I discontinued feeding. These two males were in almost perfect breeding plumage (compare with the more dishevelled appearance in my previous post, and then with the bare winter plumage in the post before that.) Goldfinches are so shy out in nature--I had never before been able to approach them closely enough to get a picture like this. But at feeders they can become a good deal more tame, and these had all winter to get used to me. I was right across the window from them.

Tiding Us OverOf floods and falcons and other spring adventures


April 15th, 2017 at 9:26 am
I'll miss seeing them around, but it's probably for the best!

April 16th, 2017 at 12:21 pm
Perfect photo of the one on the left. Too bad I won't get to see them in July. Maybe at Mud Lake.

July 19th, 2017 at 8:49 pm
It's nice that you have the opportunity to see them in your backyard. Re your comment about not wanting to encourage dependency in feeder birds, there are many many studies out there that show that does not occur, that dependency doesn't occur in feeder birds. I hope you're having a good summer birding season.