Memories Of 2016
December 29th, 2016
While I'm on an extended break from nature photography, I thought I'd share
some as-yet-unposted pictures from the past year. (For whatever reason these
fell through the cracks back when they were current, typically because I was
drowning in photos at the time!) This first set is oldest, taken in May and
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Painted Turtles basking at Mud Lake.
At first I mistook this for a bumblebee, but bumblebees aren't generally in
the habit of manhandling other bees! It's actually a predatory Robber Fly
making a meal off a honeybee. Its bee-like appearance (common to all robber
flies in genus
Laphria) is
a deliberate subterfuge, simultaneously convincing potential prey that it's a
mild-mannered nectar-feeder, and potential predators that it could sting if
attacked. Photographed in the Ottawa greenbelt near Corkstown Road.
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Trout Lily photographed at Carp Ridge.
December 29th, 2016 at 7:41 pm
Turtle lord and vassal.
Interesting and slightly sinister-looking fly!
I like the lighting on the lily; it's also not obvious from the picture how small that actually is. You must have done a bit of contorting or found a nicely placed one to get that angle!
January 5th, 2017 at 5:57 pm
The Trout Lily was along a hilly trail--I suspect it was up on a hillside and I wasn't!