How to tell a photographer to take a hike
September 21st, 2013
Four species of herons have been at Andrew Haydon Park lately: Great Blue
Herons, Night Herons, Green Herons, and Great Egrets. Basically all the herons
that occur in Ottawa except for the super-secretive bitterns! It's a
photographer's dream. Of them, the big, bold Great Blues are by far the
easiest to capture.
ETA: make that
five species of herons at AHP! Browse over to
blog to read about her close encounter with a Least Bittern.
1680x1050 wallpaper
It's difficult to see at this resolution, but he's got his sights on an
egg-laying dragonfly. Great Blue Herons typically eat fish, but it's not
unusual for them to take an occasional insect snack.
"Oh, are you having trouble fitting me in the frame? I'm sorry. Maybe you
should go annoy someone else now."