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Those who wish to be noticed, and those who do not

Some photos from a weekend outing to Mud Lake (except for the Wild Turkey, which I saw along Fifth Line Road in rural Dunrobin.)

Drake Wood Duck.

Welcome back, beautiful Yellow-Rumped Warblers!

A tom Wild Turkey, decked out in his best iridescent colors for the breeding season. He had been fanning his tail for the ladies, but got shy when he noticed me watching him.

On to the "do not wish to be noticed" section!

A soundly sleeping little Eastern Screech-Owl. From a distance, he just looks like part of the tree.

Who do you think?

A Blizzard Of Snow GeeseSouth March at Sunrise


May 1st, 2016 at 8:51 pm
Is that last one a racoon? So cute!

May 2nd, 2016 at 1:10 am
That's what I think!