Spring Outing
May 16th, 2016
Another close encounter at South March Conservation Forest.
1680x1050 wallpaper
Porcupines are usually nocturnal animals that sleep in trees by day, but in
early spring, they can sometimes be seen out and about, noshing on fresh buds
and other vegetation. They're nearsighted, and though they supposedly have a
great sense of smell, they seldom seem to notice me before I notice them. Of
course, since almost no one wants to tangle with a porcupine, they can afford
to be oblivious!
This one practically walked into me. By the time I took this photo, though, he
knew I was there, and you can tell by the quills that he was a little tense. I
left him alone after that.
Spring Beauty (by name and by nature.)
May 16th, 2016 at 10:30 pm
Anyone, man or beast who chooses to tangle with a porcupine will almost certainly live to regret it. Even the King of beasts (lions), learn at an early age to avoid this little critter.