The spring warbler paparazzi
May 6th, 2012
Blue Warbler attracted quite the throng of nature photographers when he
came down low in the branches at Mud Lake. It's an uncommon bird to see even
in migration, and arguably, among the handsomest of warblers. I joined the
paparazzi and managed to get one good shot through a small opening in the
Warblers are common migrants here, but rare breeders. Their favorite
habitat is sphagnum bog, such as Mer Bleue, and that is in fact the only place
in Ottawa to find them in summer.
Ottawa birding is blowing my mind. I've never seen a spring like this. All of
a sudden the land is exploding with birds--much the way it's exploding with
color! I've seen and/or heard twenty new species between yesterday and today,
including eight new warblers.
I also saw my first dragonflies, my first Black Swallowtail, my first ladybugs
(eensy weensy ones crawling around on a dandelion), and got my first mosquito
bite :-)
May 6th, 2012 at 4:42 pm