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Three Hunters

My mother is visiting from Virginia. I took her to Mud Lake this afternoon, and Mud Lake brought out all its charms for her! It was the birdiest I'd seen it (or heard it) this spring. Near the trailhead were two surprisingly tame adult Night Herons, one of them actively fishing.

The action was so good I had to go back home, get my camera, and come back. Fortunately one of the Night Herons waited for me.

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Down the trail, the Eastern Screech-Owl was out of his hole. (I've decided to give up trying to keep this secret, since it's very much an open secret, and really, the owl doesn't seem to care the darndest about people watching him.) He was perched low down and close to the trunk of an old snag. From a distance, he did a convincing imitation of a broken off branch:

While the bunch of us (my mom and I and other photographers) were watching the owl, a Cooper's Hawk got into a noisy fight with a couple of crows, which ended badly (though not fatally) for one of the crows! Most of us went over to photograph the hawk, perched low after the altercation and looking completely unruffled.

When we got back, my mom regaled us all with how the fight had woken the owl up, and how it had its eyes wide open, looking all around. We got back just in time to see it falling back to sleep.

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Shine For A DayDragonflies and Wildflowers at Sugarbush Trail


May 15th, 2015 at 9:41 am
The half-asleep owl is definitely so kyoot!

Also, I like the heron shot a lot.