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Montreal Biodome 2016 (part 1)

On June 16th I went to the Montreal Biodome along with my mother (visiting from Virginia), my husband and his mother. I brought the camera and captured all that I could! This first set is from the tropical, South American exhibit.

You can see my previous photo shoot at the Biodome here, here, here, and here (four pages worth.) I tried to focus on different subjects this time, although I couldn't resist a second crack at the Hyacinth Macaws.

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Sometimes it's hard to shake the impression that these birds are funning with me.

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Golden Lion Tamarin--a highly endangered monkey, with only about 3200 left in the wild. We mammals are not usually known for our striking colors, but I think these tamarins rivalled for beauty the macaws and other tropical birds that surrounded them.

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Green Aracari, a type of small toucan. (It is a close relative of the Fiery-Billed Aracari that Michael and I saw in the wild in Costa Rica.) That's a Hyacinth Macaw in the background, to give you an idea of scale.

Scarlet Ibis

American White Ibis

I think of White Ibises as a temperate species since I regularly see them at Outer Banks, but their range actually extends as far as South America.

Continued in next post...

Breeding Birds In Frontenac ParkMontreal Biodome 2016 (part 2)


June 28th, 2016 at 8:54 pm
Great shots....especially the monkey!

June 28th, 2016 at 9:06 pm
The monkey was my favorite photo too. The lighting came out looking so natural, you could almost believe it was taken in the wild!

June 29th, 2016 at 8:44 am
Nice shots... the lighting was indeed favorable!

I didn't see the aricari when I was there... next time!