In Love With Dutch Gap (part 1)
January 11th
Part 1 of 3 of my Virginia vacation photo set, focused on the beautiful and characterful wintering ducks of Dutch Gap.
In Love With Dutch Gap (part 2)
January 13th
Gadwall, songbirds and a Bald Eagle at Dutch Gap Conservation Area. The cold weather was slowing down the hyperactive kinglets just enough to make them capturable!
In Love With Dutch Gap (part 3)
January 23rd
Three photographic firsts at Dutch Gap Conservation Area.
Early thaw, aborted
March 17th
Waiting for spring.
An Easter Goose
April 3rd
An Easter Sunday pilgrimage to Cobb's Lake Creek and a motherload of Snow Geese.
Recent Birdventures
May 3rd
A rarity and a mega-rarity at Holland's Marsh, and a plethora of waterfowl at Snake River Line.
Time For Goodbye
June 28th
Announcing my retirement from nature blogging.
Parc Omega, Belatedly
November 12th
A few photos from a Parc Omega outing in 2017: ibex kids, a fox kit, and a wolf.
Less Travelled By
November 16th
Exploring a little-known, bird-rich corridor into Watts Creek. Photos are from May and June of this year.
Wetland Adventures
December 7th
Exploring the wilds of Marlborough Forest. This is my final post, at least until/unless I decide to take up nature photography again.