Signs Of Spring
March 25th
Molting goldfinches and redpolls sharing a sunflower feeder on my back balcony.
The Price Of A Hard Winter
April 8th
How, and perhaps why I found a woodcock in an unlikely spot.
Springtime Strut
April 13th
Joining a fellow birder to watch the annual American Woodcock air show along Rifle Road.
Return Of The Night Herons
April 18th
A Black-Crowned Night Heron perched high over the swamp at Mud Lake.
Spring Display
April 20th
A classic view of a Red-Winged Blackbird brandishing his epaulets amidst a cattail marsh.
Oil Beetle
April 25th
An odd photo of an odd beetle, and a description of the bee-imitating habits of its larvae.
Sleepy Screech Owl
April 28th
A new Ottawa bird for me, Eastern Screech-Owl, sleeping the day away in a tree hole.
Sunset Wood Ducks
April 30th
Drake Wood Ducks showing off their colors to good effect at Mud Lake. The water was like burnished silver that day.
In Praise Of Common Birds
May 4th
Taking time to appreciate the beauty of a few 'dirt birds': Common Mallard and Ring-Billed Gull.
Spring Beauty
May 9th
A photo of Spring Beauty, an ephemeral wildflower.
Shine For A Day
May 11th
A perfect, delicate Trout Lily at South March Conservation Forest.
Three Hunters
May 13th
A hunter of fish (Black-Crowned Night Heron), mice (Eastern Screech-Owl), and birds (Cooper's Hawk), all photographed at Mud Lake.
Dragonflies and Wildflowers at Sugarbush Trail
May 23rd
Baskettails, clubtails, emeralds and trillium in Gatineau Park. One of the dragonflies was having a rather strange-looking meal.
Mud Lake, late spring
May 27th
Yellow Warbler, Lily-of-the-valley, and a surprisingly tame Black-Crowned Night Heron at Mud Lake.
A Delicate Beauty
May 30th
Spring Beauty photographed in South March Conservation Forest.
The Star Of Yellow Sidecar
June 16th
A feisty hummingbird I found guarding the nectar feeder at our B&B in Cape Breton. Only his mate was allowed to share it with him.
The Star Of Bird Islands
June 19th
Photographs of colorful Atlantic Puffins at Cape Breton's Bird Islands.
June 21st
Breeding Razorbills, 'penguins of the north', photographed at Cape Breton's Bird Islands.
Great Cormorants
June 23rd
The intense and prehistoric-looking Great Cormorant, photographed at the Bird Islands in Cape Breton.
Bird Islands Miscellanea
June 25th
Black Guillemots and a sleepy (or just bored) Black-Legged Kittiwake at Cape Breton's Bird Islands.
A Free Lunch
June 27th
Close-ups of Bald Eagles from a boat tour to Cape Breton's Bird Islands. The tour leaders threw fish to draw them in.
Reunited At Last
June 28th
A photo sequence of a mated pair of Razorbills on Cape Breton's Bird Islands, as one struggles clumsily to rejoin the other.
Spruce Grouse
July 1st
A tame and fearless, if not outright cheeky female Spruce Grouse on Skyline Trail.
Glace Bay Lifers
July 3rd
Discovery of a lone Piping Plover and a nesting Nelson's Sparrow at Glace Bay in Cape Breton.
A set for ilanikhan
July 7th
Horses roaming in the pasture along Constance Bay Road. Their affection towards each other made for incredible photos.
Elusive Field Birds
July 9th
A sampling of breeding birds of the pastures along Constance Bay Road, including a pair of feisty Bobolinks.
Highlands Park Vistas
July 11th
Scenery photos from Highlands National Park in Cape Breton.
Cape Breton Headlands
July 13th
Scenery from the headlands of Schooner Pond and White Point in Cape Breton, including some of the most baleful-looking trees I'd ever seen.
Bladder Campion
July 17th
Highlighting the beauty of an under-appreciated little wildflower.
After six years of trying
July 20th
An Indigo Bunting shows off his colors at Watt's Creek Trail.
Sugarbush Leps
July 24th
Butterflies and moths, including Compton Tortoiseshell, during a summer stroll at Sugarbush Trail.
Mating Jewelwings
July 27th
Ebony Jewelwings form a mating circle at Sugarbush Trail.
Anxious Mom
July 31st
An encounter with a White-Tailed Deer and her well-camouflaged young fawn.
Cedar Grove Bugs
August 9th
My first trip to Marlborough Forest, a deer-fly-infested but fascinating place. The day's photos included Goldenrod Crab Spiders and tiny micro-moths.
Sometimes nature comes to you
August 23rd
A strikingly colored spider, Argiope aurantia, shows up in my back yard.
A Needle In A Snowstack
November 11th
How I searched almost in vain for one Pink-Footed Goose amidst tens of thousands of Snow Geese.
A Western Visitor
December 26th
How a Mountain Bluebird lost its way.
Pileated Woodpecker At Beaver Trail
December 27th
A Pileated Woodpecker's scarlet crest blazes on an overcast winter morning.