Memories of 2016 (part 2)
January 10th
Magnolia Warbler, Northern Water Snake, and the wildflowers of summer.
Memories of 2016 (part 3)
January 14th
Fringed Gentian in Marlborough Forest, Leopard Frog, Greater Yellowlegs, and colorful fungi.
Winter in Algonquin: Mind Blown
January 19th
Photographing Evening Grosbeaks at Spruce Bog Boardwalk in Algonquin, one of the highlights of a birding tour with Jon Ruddy. Their colors amazed me.
Winter in Algonquin: Pine Grosbeaks and Pine Martens
January 22nd
An encounter with Pine Grosbeaks on the roadside at Algonquin Park, plus a family group of adorable Pine Martens.
Winter in Algonquin: Spruce Bog Boardwalk (part 1)
January 27th
Falling in love with Canada's national bird.
Winter in Algonquin: Spruce Bog Boardwalk (part 2)
January 31st
An unruffled Spruce Grouse tolerates an adoring paparazzi, plus more Evening Grosbeaks, at Spruce Bog Boardwalk with Jon Ruddy.
Winter in Algonquin: Visitor Centre and Opeongo Road
February 7th
Hand-feeding the Gray Jays at Algonquin Park with Jon Ruddy, plus a stop at the Visitor Centre feeders.
Tiding Us Over
March 30th
A young Harlequin Duck in the company of Goldeneyes, other birds of winter, and a reminder of spring to come!
Living Sunshine
April 15th
Male goldfinches show off their fresh breeding plumage at my balcony feeder.
Of floods and falcons and other spring adventures
May 3rd
Stories of some spring birding highlights, including a bogus mockingbird, a real mockingbird, and an unexpected Peregrine Falcon.
Our disaster, their wonderland
May 19th
A positively startling number of Rusty Blackbirds pours into Britannia Conservation Area, attracted by the flood.
Upstaging The Warblers
May 23rd
I go to Point Pelee to photograph warblers, but a displaying Red-Breasted Merganser steals the show.
Living Color on the Eardley Escarpment (part 1)
May 29th
A festival of spring ephemerals in Gatineau Park.
Living Color on the Eardley Escarpment (part 2)
June 4th
Catching a glimpse of two elusive creatures of the forest, a shrew and a Scarlet Tanager.
Spring On The Rideau
June 13th
Newborn goslings and other highlights from the Rideau River in spring, including an unexpected Brant. And I couldn't resist one photo of the tulip festival.
Wildflowers and booming nighthawks at South March
June 18th
Wild Columbine and Pale Corydalis adorn the rocky clearings of the South March highlands, while displaying nighthawks dive overhead.
Orchid-hunting in the Burnt Lands
June 23rd
Yellow Ladyslippers and other wildflowers in Burnt Lands Provincial Park.
Eastern Towhees and the Killdeer show
June 27th
Breeding Eastern Towhees and Killdeer in Burnt Lands Provincial Park, the latter doing their best to draw my attention.
Birds and Orchids (part 1)
July 1st
In search of a vanishingly rare wildflower with Jon Ruddy.
Birds and Orchids (part 2)
July 6th
Birding and insect-watching with Jon Ruddy in Lanark County.
Dragonflies Save The Day
July 11th
A hot day in Marlborough Forest draws out the deer flies, who, thankfully, attract a swarm of fierce, hungry dragonflies!
A Price Worth Paying (part 1 of 3)
July 18th
The first of three posts about a magical day spent in Marlborough Forest, with a focus on wetland wildflowers.
A Price Worth Paying (part 2 of 3)
July 21st
Wherein a tuft of cottongrass is to thank for the discovery of my first Showy Ladyslipper.
A Price Worth Paying (part 3 of 3)
July 27th
When taking the road less travelled pays off.
Early Morning In Marlborough Forest
August 4th
I go back to Marlborough Forest to shoot the Showy Ladyslippers in early morning light, as well as a singing waterthrush and other wetland denizens.
A Wet Morning On The Tracks
August 12th
Photographing snails, scenery and scouring rush along the Carp River floodplain.
Catching Up
December 20th
A failed attempt at finding and photographing an ultra-rare warbler at Mud Lake. I had to content myself with downies and chickadees instead!
Life Bird #473
December 21st
A new lifer thanks to a southwestern warbler who took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.