A last-minute rescue
January 6th
A note on the final fate of the Bullock's Oriole in Pakenham.
A Blizzard Of Snow Geese
March 26th
A panoramic view of thousands of Snow Geese along the Cobb's Creek floodplain, an annual spectacle in Ottawa.
Those who wish to be noticed, and those who do not
May 1st
A selection of colorful creatures and very-well-camouflaged creatures.
South March at Sunrise
May 9th
Early-morning spring beauty at South March Conservation Forest: half-open Bloodroot flowers and a perfect spider web.
A Festival Of Ephemerals
May 13th
The beauty of South March Conservation Forest, with a focus on spring ephemerals such as Dutchman's Breeches.
Spring Outing
May 16th
A porcupine on a springtime amble at South March Conservation Forest.
Impressions of Mud Lake (part 1)
May 21st
A rare and handsome Blanding's Turtle surveys its domain, and other sights on a spring morning at Mud Lake.
Impressions of Mud Lake (part 2)
May 24th
A grackle whom I've dubbed Lord of the Muck, and other sights on a spring morning at Mud Lake.
Trillium, black flies and a loon
May 29th
Photographic highlights from Gatineau's Wolf Trail in May, including a surprise loon close to shore on Meech Lake.
Courting terns and vanishing wildflowers
June 2nd
Studying the succession of spring wildflowers at South March Conservation Forest, and three courting Common Terns.
The Showstopper
June 7th
A magnificent tom Wild Turkey struts his stuff at Mud Lake. Also, goslings.
Breeding Birds In Frontenac Park
June 25th
The story of an intense birding outing At Frontenac Provincial Park with Jon Ruddy.
Montreal Biodome 2016 (part 1)
June 28th
Photos from the tropical South American exhibit at the Montreal Biodome, including Hyacinth Macaws and a Golden Lion Tamarin.
Montreal Biodome 2016 (part 2)
July 4th
Photos from the St. Lawrence Marine ecosystem at the Montreal Biodome.
Montreal Biodome 2016 (part 3)
July 8th
The Biodome lynx makes a public appearance, and looks speculatively at a few other Biodome inhabitants.
Breeding Warblers In Cottage Country
July 13th
Magnolia and other warblers photographed on their nesting grounds near a friend's cottage in Quebec.
Sweet Pea
July 17th
A photograph of wild Sweet Pea taken in cottage country, Quebec.
Insect Safari At Cedar Grove
July 21st
Goldenrod Crab Spiders, parasitic wasps, and other strange, tiny creatures at Cedar Grove Nature Trail in Marlborough Forest.
Two Beauties
July 25th
A Common Yellowthroat and an emerald-green Sweat Bee at Carp Ridge.
Return to Marlborough Forest (part 1)
July 31st
Photographing the birds and butterflies of Marlborough Forest, including my first Acadian Hairstreak.
Return to Marlborough Forest (part 2)
August 9th
The strange and wonderful insects of Marlborough Forest, with a focus on Goldenrod Crab Spiders and a sweat bee worthy of a Darwin award.
Highlights from the Burnt Lands (part 1)
August 15th
Hairy Beardtongue, mating Aphrodite Fritillaries, and other discoveries in the Burnt Lands Alvar, a unique wild area west of Ottawa.
Highlights from the Burnt Lands (part 2)
August 21st
Delicate blue Harebells and more in the Burnt Lands Alvar.
Early Morning At Pink Lake
August 27th
A beaver at sunrise, a young Broad-Winged Hawk, and other surprises at Pink Lake, an unusual green-hued meromictic lake in the Gatineau.
A few more from Marlborough Forest
August 31st
Butterflies, a lone Cardinal Flower, and a recently-stirred-up nest of Carpenter Ants in Marlborough Forest.
Fall Festival at Mud Lake (part 1)
September 6th
Highlights of an early morning trip to Mud Lake: Black-and-White Warbler, Black-Throated Green Warbler, and others.
Fall Festival at Mud Lake (part 2)
September 10th
Highlights of an early morning trip to Mud Lake: a curious Chestnut-Sided Warbler, a resplendent tom Wild Turkey, and others.
Fall Festival at Mud Lake (part 3)
September 15th
A hungry Green Heron fishing and frog-gigging at Mud Lake in the early morning.
To The Fringed Gentian
September 23rd
Poetry and a photo in celebration of Fringed Gentian, a beautiful and rare wildflower.
My First Proper Lincoln's
October 2nd
Lincoln's Sparrows in the west end of Ottawa, an honorary lifer for me.
Surprises on the Trans-Canada Trail
October 13th
A thriving colony of gorgeous Fringed Gentian, and other discoveries along the Trans-Canada Trail.
Algonquin Park in Autumn (part 1)
October 17th
The blazing colors of an Algonquin autumn.
Algonquin Park in Autumn (part 2)
October 23rd
Some interesting flora and fauna photographed at Algonquin Park in autumn.
Algonquin Park in Autumn (part 3)
October 29th
Scenery photos from Barron Canyon and High Falls. High Falls is a beautiful open secret in the Algonquin backcountry.
An Exciting Ottawa Lister
November 10th
My first sighting of Trumpeter Swans in Ottawa.
Late Afternoon at Andrew Haydon Park
November 15th
Waterfowl and a woodpecker in the late-afternoon glow at Andrew Haydon Park.
Memories Of 2016
December 29th
Painted Turtles, a hungry bee-mimic Robber Fly, and a glowing yellow backlit Trout Lily.