New Years Hares
January 1st
Fluffy white Snowshoe Hares come out to enjoy the platform feeders at Shirley's Bay, joined by a cottontail or two.
Toughing It Out
January 5th
A collection of photogenic birds braving the Ottawa winter.
Don't Mind If I Do
January 11th
A red squirrel helps himself to the birdseed I scattered on a rock.
My First Great Grey
January 22nd
Photos of a Great Grey Owl, the tallest owl in the world and one of the most magnificent, in the east end of Ottawa.
Life bird #322
February 9th
The discovery of a wintering Northern Hawk-Owl in Ottawa.
A Feast Of Birch Bark
February 10th
A porcupine eating one of its favorite winter foods.
Turkey Crossing
February 13th
Why did the Wild Turkey cross the road?
March Valley Grosbeaks
February 23rd
Pine Grosbeaks swarm the feeders on March Valley Road, their rose-red plumage brightening the winter landscape.
Welcome back, Red-Winged Blackbirds
March 27th
Welcoming Red-Winged Blackbirds and their scarlet epaulets back to Ottawa.
Hoodies At Sunset
April 17th
Close-ups of Hooded Mergansers, adults and young, on a pond along March Valley Road.
For ilanikhan
April 22nd
A Highland cow, photographed at Shirley's Bay where the trail runs alongside a small farm.
Portrait of a Life Bird
May 9th
Close-ups of Lesser Black-Backed Gulls at Cape Hatteras, foraging for mole crabs, flying over the surf, and strolling at sunset.
Virginia Highlights
May 10th
A few photographic highlights from Virginia: Brown Thrasher, Yellow Iris, and Red-Spotted Purple, an attractive color morph of the White Admiral butterfly.
Birds of Hatteras and Dutch Gap
May 14th
A courting Forster's Tern feeding fish to his prospective mate, and other sights at Cape Hatteras, plus a Prothonotary Warbler at Dutch Gap in Virginia.
Virginia/Carolina Triplist
May 18th
A triplist for my spring 2013 visit to Virginia and Cape Hatteras, including the details of three unphotographed lifers.
It's that time of year
May 29th
Newborn goslings at Mud Lake.
Literally A Puddle Duck
June 4th
An uncommon dabbling duck shows up in the melted snow dump along March Valley Road.
A Spine-Tingling Night
June 8th
Spotted thrush evensong segues into a nighttime chorus of whippoorwills at Carp Ridge.
Two Ottawa firsts, one welcome, one not
June 13th
The uncommonly handsome Eastern Towhee, on its nesting grounds at the Carp Ridge barrens. Unfortunately, there were also deer ticks at the Carp Ridge barrens.
Native Wildflowers Of Carp Ridge
June 15th
Pale Corydalis and Harebell, two wildflowers that grow in profusion on the rock outcroppings of Carp Ridge.
Fledgling Season
June 18th
An account of a charming distraction display by a parent Winter Wren at South March Conservation Forest. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on hand!
Too Perfect
June 20th
A wild Wood Lily discovered in the undergrowth of Carp Ridge, as perfect as a carefully tended garden flower.
Blanding's Turtle at Carp Ridge
June 22nd
A large Blanding's Turtle lays its eggs at Carp Ridge, one of the few places in Ottawa where this endangered species maintains a toehold.
June 23rd
Wilson's Snipe give me by far my best views ever, perching on the boardwalk railings at Bill Mason Centre and winnowing overheard all morning.
Blue Flag
June 27th
Photographing a beautiful wild iris that grows around the edges of wetlands.
Racket-Tailed Emerald
June 29th
A recently emerged dragonfly with wings still glistening.
July 3rd
Widow Skimmers mating in midair.
On My Balcony
July 5th
Nestling robins just outside my window.
An Anxious Parent
July 9th
A House Wren, usually a shy bird that stays hidden in the foliage, makes a huge fuss of a distraction display when I stumble into its nesting area.
Highlights From Trillium Woods
July 12th
Three photographic highlights from Trillium Woods in Kanata, a garter snake with a sparkle in his eye, fairy helmet mushrooms, and a black-eyed susan.
A loss to the Ottawa birding community
July 15th
Mourning the loss of Bob Bracken, a long-time birder and naturalist in Ottawa.
Slender Spreadwing
July 16th
A thin and elegant damselfly with eyes like blue opals.
The Beauty Of Jewelwings
July 19th
A tribute to the Ebony Jewelwing, a unique, metallic-blue damselfly that flutters like a butterfly and courts like a lekking bird.
My First Dragonhunter
July 22nd
My first sighting and first photograph of a Dragonhunter, a powerful dragonfly-eating dragongfly, at Chelsea Creek in the Gatineau.
Odes Outing
July 25th
Photos of dragonflies in-hand from an OFNC outing to Mud Lake, as well as a cute wasp that caught my eye.
A morning at Bill Mason Centre (part 1)
July 29th
A scruffy fledgling Swamp Sparrow, a Common Yellowthroat with a meal for his young, and a surprise mink on the boardwalk at Bill Mason Centre.
A morning at Bill Mason Centre (part 2)
July 30th
Calico Pennant, an outrageously beautiful dragonfly, plus an Amber-Winged Spreadwing, photographed at the old quarry pond near Bill Mason Centre.
A morning at Bill Mason Centre (part 3)
August 1st
Halloween Pennants and teneral damselflies at Bill Mason Centre.
Long-Leaved Speedwell
August 10th
A spiked purple wildflower.
Bronze Copper
August 13th
A Bronze Copper butterfly in a stand of Flowering Rush at Andrew Haydon Park.
A New Dragonfly In Ottawa
August 17th
The handsome Blue Dasher dragonfly, once unheard of in Ottawa, now commonplace.
Lord Flycatcher
August 20th
An appropriately regal-looking Eastern Kingbird at Andrew Haydon Park.
August 24th
Larval water mites hitching a ride on a meadowhawk dragonfly.
"exuberance and preposterousness"
August 30th
A selection of beautiful odes (dragonflies and damselflies) photographed in Ottawa and Gatineau this summer.
Bill Mason Sand Pit (part 1)
September 8th
A Canada Darner having a meal, and other insects at the old quarry pond near Bill Mason Centre.
Bill Mason Sand Pit (part 2)
September 10th
A crimson-red Calico Pennant, Azure Bluets, Greater Yellowlegs, and a teneral darner at the Bill Mason sand pit.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled Ottawa nature photos...
September 16th
A cow moose up close and personal at Algonquin Provincial Park.
The Next Generation
September 18th
A new generation of fledged young Wood Ducks, photographed at Mud Lake.
How to tell a photographer to take a hike
September 21st
A photo shoot with a fish-stalking Great Blue Heron, who finally indicated that he had had enough of me and my camera.
Pondside Slinker
September 23rd
A Green Heron lurks in the grass at the edge of a pond.
Summer Insects Roundup
September 30th
A scary-looking but harmless pelecinid wasp, and other insects of summer.
A Feast Of Color
October 7th
A drake Wood Duck in his fresh, brilliant autumn colors, and a female Wood Duck who seemed as taken with him as I was.
Little Devil Diver
October 31st
An encounter with a migrant Horned Grebe on an overcast morning at Dick Bell Park.
Cormorant Portrait
November 3rd
Portrait of a lingering Double-Crested Cormorant on the pond at Andrew Haydon Park.
A Mouthful Of Autumn
December 8th
A trifecta of cute rodents at Andrew Haydon Park, including a chipmunk gathering leaves to line its burrow with.